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Kybella | Alpharetta, GA

in Alpharetta, GA

Refine Your Jawline

Alpharetta Kybella at Total Rejuvenation Medspa

Discover Kybella, the non-surgical way to banish a double chin and achieve a youthfully smoothed and sculpted jawline. Our expert aesthetic injector customizes every treatment to help you achieve naturally beautiful contouring by dissolving stubborn fat under your chin without surgery. At Total Rejuvenation Medspa, we love helping you enhance your natural appeal with innovative aesthetic services and strive to deliver the best Kybella Alpharetta has to offer.  

Sculpted Self-Confidence

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a revolutionary way to unlock your most sculpted jawline without surgery. Fat often collects in the submental area beneath the chin as we age, which does not readily respond to diet and exercise. Formulated with deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance, Kybella is an injectable treatment that melts away stubborn fat beneath the chin. This non-surgical aesthetic procedure empowers you to redefine your jawline and say goodbye to a double chin. 

Easy Elegance

What are the benefits of Kybella?

Kybella is a non-invasive alternative to surgical liposuction, making it a safer and more convenient option for reducing submental fat or a double chin. It permanently destroys fat cells, preventing them from returning and providing long-lasting results. Recovery is relatively quick, with most patients able to return to their daily activities within a few days. Kybella enhances your natural beauty, resulting in a subtle and refreshed look. Many people feel a boost in confidence after treatment with Kybella, motivating them to engage more fully and enthusiastically in a variety of activities and improving their quality of life.

Alpharetta Kybella model with blonde hair

Specializing in You

Your Kybella Consultation

At Total Rejuvenation Medspa, every treatment begins with an in-depth consultation with one of our caring and highly experienced providers. We want you to have the information you need to make educated decisions about the best treatments for your needs and aspirations.

Our goal is to provide care that fits your lifestyle and creates a gateway to consistent aesthetic preventative care. Call today to schedule your personal Kybella consultation.

Expert Care

Your Kybella Procedure

The entire Kybella procedure typically takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Kybella is administered through a series of injections directly into the targeted fat area. The active ingredient in Kybella, deoxycholic acid, breaks down and destroys fat cells. The number of injections can vary depending on your individual needs. Discomfort is minimal and can be managed with ice or a topical anesthetic. Afterward, you can expect some swelling and bruising, but these effects should subside within a week or two. Multiple treatment sessions may be required to achieve your desired results, with several weeks between each session to allow for proper healing and assessment.

Science at Work

Kybella Recovery and Aftercare

The downtime after a Kybella treatment is typically minimal, and most of our Alpharetta Kybella individuals can resume their regular activities within a few days. The results will take a few weeks to become noticeable, and a series of treatments is typically scheduled to achieve optimal contouring. During this time, the body processes and eliminates the targeted fat cells.

 It is normal to have some swelling and bruising in the treatment area, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. We will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions and ongoing support as your Kybella treatment goes to work under the chin. 

Kybella | Alpharetta, GA
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Elegance Revealed

Kybella Results

With Kybella, your profile radiates renewed elegance and poise. Once the fat cells in the treatment area are eliminated, they are gone for good. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stable weight will help prevent new fat deposits from forming, letting you enjoy long-lasting sculpting. Reducing fat in the submental area can significantly enhance the appearance of your entire face and upper body, helping you look more youthful, trim, and naturally beautiful. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Two to four treatment sessions are typically scheduled about four to six weeks apart. After each session, we will evaluate your progress and determine whether additional treatments are necessary to achieve your aesthetic goals.

The results of Kybella are considered long-lasting, and in many cases, they can be permanent. After fat cells are dissolved, they do not come back. However, significant weight gain or aging can affect the overall appearance of the jawline and chin area. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a good skincare routine, can help you maintain your results for longer.

Kybella is specifically designed and FDA-approved for treating submental fat, commonly known as a double chin. It is not intended or approved for use in other areas of the body. Kybella's active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is formulated to target and break down fat cells in the chin and jawline region.